Wednesday 30 March 2011

Bubbles feelings

Dear boy, Get to know this page, mean you really know me well. I had been confusing and annoyed by the problems between us recently. What happened between us nowadays? From a boy that understands me well, without asking anything you will definitely know what I'm thinking and what I want. I get it enough, it's out of my limitation. I want you back. I REALLY DO. We know which others for years, didnt stop chatting everyday, thought you're the most important ones in my life. As a friend, I always thought that you are being super nice to me. But why is it getting far and far away when we are in a relationship? It's only 3 months and we having this kind of problems. Yes you told Mikki that I'm the person that you wanna stay with forever, yes I do. But I just dont get it why can you being so calm when I said I wanna stop the conversation for 1 week and you can try being single for a week. Wow, shows that you're sick of me isnt it? I told you that you're making me rely on you too much, and yet you still believe that I can stand without you for a week? Yea being frank, I'm getting more and more upset, disappointed, regretting maybe? But I dont wanna lose you. What can I DO? To make you know that I can live without you so muc? I love you, that dont wanna lose you so much. I give you freedom, going clubbing, which girl can accept her boyfriend go clubbing till 4 or 5 only reach home. I tried so much to tolerate to forgive and forget, cause I know I trust you. For being a good boyfriend. Sweet talks of yours always make me think much. Always found out you're chatting with me about htis and Facebook asking ppl to play lap dancing on you? What's this. Telling ppl Im not a passed girlfriend. Not a good one? Than what's the point of being together? I dont wanna break, just like you told me you dont want too, but what is this? I m doing my part well and you are enjoying your young life outside?

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